How do you exercise?

To earn health, you need exercise, whatever your age. But, you don't have to be an athlete or do grueling physical exertion to get the benefits. If you are an athlete, good for you!

WALKING is the best overall exercise for health. Walking incorporates both contra lateral movement and cardiovascular enhancement if you walk rapidly enough to maintain a heart beat of 120 beats per minute.

You should walk in a manner that adds to your body balance. In other words, when your right foot is forward, your left arm should be forward; when your left foot is forward, your right arm should be forward. This contra lateral movement coordinates and balances your body while you walk.

The way to walk for health is to warm up and walk rapidly until you are short of breath, cool down and stop. Do this each day until you are able to get your heart rate up to 120 beats per minute without becoming short of breath. At this point in your program, begin walking with your heart rate at 120 beats per minute for 10 minutes every day or 20 minutes every other day.

Then, cool down by walking slower for at least 5 minutes; stretch your muscles, and stop.

Other complete exercises for health, as long as you learn to incorporate contra lateral movement, are aerobics, cycling, running and some exercise machines that imitate cross country skiing.

There are many other exercises that provide excellent cardiovascular "fitness" workouts, but don't include contra lateral movement. If you participate in them, don't forget to add walking or another complete exercise for heath.

Breathing correctly is essential in the exercise process. Breathing correctly means expanding your chest cavity on inhalation, not jut abdomen, and inhaling through your nose. Breathing is one way your body eliminates the acid it creates.

Ever wonder why you pant after you stop running? You've produced acid faster than you can eliminate it.

Resting whenever you become short of breath as you begin your exercise routine will keep you from overtaxing your body. If you already unhealthy (if your diet is creating acid) it can be deadly to exercise to much too soon.







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