Founders of B.E.S.T. and B.M.P.T.

Dr. Milton T. Morter and Dr. Isaac Goiz-Duran.

Dr. Milton T. Morter, was an international speaker, author and trail-blazing founder of the Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique, better known as B.E.S.T., an energy balancing procedure used to help reestablish the full healing potential of the body.

The Mexican Doctor. Isaac Goiz discovered in 1988 the Biomagnetic Pair Therapeutic Technique.

This therapy uses pairs of magnets that balance the pH of the body thus helping the body to eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. This technique is highly successful in a broad range of diseases.

Medical biomagnetism does not focus on the symptoms of a disease, but rather on its etiological causes. And it does so without the need of laboratory tests.

The Biomagnetic Pair is primarily a preventive therapy, and it is also curative. It is a clean and cheap technique. Its theoretical principles are quite simple to understand and it does not require much learning time.

There are currently thousands of therapists in the world who are dedicated to medical magnetism.

And this number continues to grow exponentially. Millions of patients have already been successfully treated of serious or chronic ailments sometimes. This is why the Biomagnetic Pair Therapy has undouble a brilliant future ahead.

Today, assisting Dr. Morter and Dr. Goetz on their MISSION to “Improve the Health of People Around The World” is one of his students, Dr. Gustavo. A. Madero, who is a leader in the industry in his own right!
Dr. Madero's gentle and informative way of teaching, mingled with his amazing insight and powerful wisdom on how the body functions – empowering individuals to take control of their destiny – take them straight to the leading edge of a new kind of true health care.
A graduate of The Palmer College of Chiropractic, Dr. Madero has also authored the book: "The Healing Field of Healing Hands", plus educational brochures, booklets and numerous magazine articles.

The latest of which is an article in “The American Chiropractor” magazine April 2018 – “Your Brain Energy”.

Dr. Madero's background includes a Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering from The National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico City, a Bachelor Degree in Alternative Medicine from The University of Minnesota, and a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Yo San University.
He has addressed hundreds of patients, from United States, Mexico and Central America.

As a renowned educator, and practitioner Dr. Madero’s concepts are available via his own practice in Mexico City, a professional service designed to diagnose, inform, and introduce how to incorporate B.E.S.T. into your daily life. Training Programs designed to teach how to apply the actual B.E.S.T. technique, focused on treatment and education to overcome health and life challenges so you can be healthy, happy and successful.







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